The Importance of Movement Labeling

Whether you’re reading, dancing, or singing there are so many opportunities to label movements. Many of the children’s books you read and songs you sing with your child incorporate movement words already! For example, during “Row Row Row Your Boat” you can row your arms back and forth with your child as you sing. It’s that easy, and even though it seems simple, that doesn’t negate how important it is and what it can do for your child’s vocabulary. When kids are dancing and moving to music that outlines the movements that triggers their brain to cross reference both hemispheres, right being the emotional/creative side and left the organizational/logical side. Labeling movement is an all-encompassing way of engaging in both cognitive development, exercise, and skills such as inhibitory control/spacial awareness all at the same time!
Since children love to move and often never stop moving, it is easy to find areas of your lives that allow for incorporating movement labeling! The best part is, while you’re up and moving, singing, dancing and having fun, your child is not only learning but building skills, such as an expanded vocabulary, that will assist them in expressing their personal preferences and choices.